B.3. Usage of the Eyetracking system

It is CRUCIAL that you follow the startup instructions in this sequence or you may damage the equipment!

B.3.1. Setting up the Hardware and Software

The set up will begin in the Control Room:

  1. Start the Eyetrack PC and turn on the PC monitor.
  2. Turn on the ASL Control Unit.
  3. Turn on the Stimulus Display.
  4. Turn on the Eye Display.

    Go to the Equipment Backroom.

  5. Turn on the power supply.
  6. Turn on the power switch on the long range optics box (Figure B.4).

    Figure B.4. Long Range Optics Box

    Long Range Optics Box

    Go to the Control Room.

  7. Start the Eye-trac 6000 software package by double clicking the software shortcut on the Desktop.

    Figure B.5. Eye-trac 6000 Software Shortcut.

    Eye-trac 6000 Software Shortcut.

  8. Click the Start Upload button.

    Figure B.6. Eye-trac 6000 'Start Upload'.

    Eye-trac 6000 'Start Upload'.

  9. Wait for the Control unit to connect to the camera.

    Figure B.7. Eye-trac 6000 'Connecting to Camera'.

    Eye-trac 6000 'Connecting to Camera'.

  10. The main software interface will launch.

    Figure B.8. Eye-trac 6000 Software Interface.

    Eye-trac 6000 Software Interface.

You now need to set up the participant.

B.3.2. Setting Up the Participant

Before you prepare the participant for eye-tracking, ensure that they have suitably prepared and briefed, see (Section 7.1 Participant Preparation, in Section 7.1 Scanning, Experimental Procedures).

  1. Place the participant in the MEG seat with the dewar set to the seated position.
  2. Raise the participant so the their eyes are just below the dewar rim and ask them to settle.

    Go to the Equipment Backroom.

  3. Look at the LCD eye display above the long range optics box.
  4. The pupil should be visible as a white dot.
  5. Use the alignment dials on the right hand side of the long range optics box to fine tune the alignment trying to make the pupil sit in the centre of the LCD Display. THESE DIALS ARE VERY SENSITIVE SO ONLY SMALL ADJUSTMENTS ARE REQUIRED.

    Figure B.9. Long Range Optics Box Alignment Dials

    Long Range Optics Box Alignment Dials

  6. Once aligned, adjust the focus with the focus adjuster on the back of the long range optics box.

    Go to the Eyetrack PC in the control room.

  7. Check that the cross hair is tracking the pupil in the Eye Display.
  8. Once the cross hair is tracking the pupil in the Eye Display, you are now ready to begin acquiring. Follow the normal MEG operation routine.
  9. Ensure that you are using an acquisition protocol that is set up to acquire External Channels 91 and 92.