5.2. Auditory Stimulus

5.2.1. Hardware Setup

You need to set up the following auditory stimulus presentation items.

  1. Set the required volume on the amplifier (Figure 5.1), as described in the Experimental Setup sheet.

  2. Verify that the connections on the Ethymotics tubes in the MSR are secure. If necessary, re-affix and re-tape the section where the two tubes attach.

Figure 5.1. MEG Auditory Amplifier Volume Control

MEG Auditory Amplifier Volume Control

5.2.2. Sound Check

Play the paradigm to check that sound is coming out of the etymotic tubes?

You may need the investigator present to run their stimuli to confirm this.

Alternatively, you can run the “AudTest” script to check for sound. To do this, do the following:

  1. Double click on the “AudTest” folder on the Stimulus PC Desktop.
  2. Right click on the “TestRun.py” scripy and “Edit with IDLE.
  3. Select “Run Module” from the “Run” drop down menu.