3.2. Safety Checklist

Check all of the following:

  1. The whiteboard and log book for information regarding safety issues or problems in MEG.
  2. That both temporary MEG fobs are hanging up on the wall. If any are missing, inform reception.
  3. That the aluminium Helium dewars in the storage area are safe (i.e. no gas escaping and making a hissing noise). The helium storage area is shown in Figure 3.1. Doors to this storage area must remain closed during scanning.

    If there is gas, please contact reception, who will contact a member of YNiC staff.

    Figure 3.1. Helium Storage Area.

    Helium Storage Area.

  4. Are any alarms going off (O2, helium dewar lid or patient)?
    1. If it is the O2 alarm, Do Not Enter MEG

      Leave immediately and notify reception, who will immediately alert a member of YNiC staff

    2. If it is the helium lid alarm (intermittent beeping from the DAS), you don't need to leave the MEG Scan Suite.

      Contact reception, who will contact a member of YNiC staff. The staff member will remove and replace the lid on the dewar.

    3. If it is the patient alarm, reset at the unit attached to the wall near megmap.
  5. Check O2 level on blue box inside stimulus delivery room. The O2 level should be about 20 %. The "metal" ball should be floating in the column.

    Figure 3.2. O2 Monitor.

    O2 Monitor.

    If it has fallen to a dangerously low-level (i.e. below 18 %), the alarm should be sounding. If the level is below 18 % and the the alarm isn't sounding, leave MEG immediately and notify reception, who will contact a member of YNiC staff.