7.8. The Participant Does Not Turn Up on Time

Inevitably, there will be occassions when a participant does not turn up for a scan. If you are the operator for the scan session, you are required to remain in MEG for the duration of the scan. There is an iMAC workstation upon which you can work; this is an image of the workstations in Open Plan. If, for whatever reason, you have to leave the Scan Suite, you must inform Reception of your whereabouts. The only exceptions to this are:

  1. You are operating for your own study, and you decide to abort the scan session.
  2. The experimenter decides that there will not be enough time for the scan, and so the experimenter aborts the scan session.

Should a participant turn up late, you need to make a decission as to whether the scan will be able to be completed in the amount of time that is left in the booking.

If, in your view, the study will overrun, you should inform investigators that should their study overrun, then the investigator will be penalized. The amount of time that the investigator overruns by will be rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes, doubled, and then subtracted from their REC alloted MEG time allowance. And if there is a subsequent study that has been inconvenienced, an equivalent amount will additionally be taken from the overrunning groups REC alloted MEG time, and added to the subsequent studies REC alloted MEG time allowance. Thus effectively fining the transgressing study quadruply for their overrun.